

To apply for membership please fill in our online Membership Application form together with the application fee of £25 (which will be refunded if your membership is not accepted). 

It is rare for anyone to be refused entry; all that remains is for the Council to determine your level of membership (Associate or Fellow) according to your musical experience. Once your payment has been received, their decision will be communicated to you via the Membership Secretary, Mandy Balsdon.

Alternatively, you can download an application form to print onto paper, from the link at the bottom of this page, to send by post.


Payment can be made by BACS internet banking, or sending a cheque (made out to The Guild of Musicians and Singers in full) to the Treasurer.   Then the annual Subscription of £25 is due on January 1st by standing order.

For those of you from abroad who might like to pay by IBAN, our number is: GB74LOYD30996601863793

Our bank details are: Sort Code: 30-99-66 Account Number: 0186 3793

You can pay your application fee of £25 via credit/debit card.

If you chose to use PayPal, we have to increase the membership fee to £28 to cover the additional costs of this service.

Data Protection

All personal data provided to the Guild is kept private and confidential to the Guild Council and no information is ever passed or sold to any other organisation or individual.